Number Plate Recognition

What is Number Plate Recognition?

NPR (Number Plate Recognition) is an image-processing technology used to automatically identify vehicles by their number plate captured by a camera, allowing these details to be compared against database records. NPR systems are used in various security and traffic application, such as access-control, parking and so on.

For example in an access-control system, when the vehicle arrives the gate of the area it wants to enter into, the NPR unit will takes pictures of the vehicle and “reads” the plate number from the picture, compares it to a predefined list and opens the gate if there is a match.

NPR Process

The steps involved in NPR include image pre-processing which first adjust the contrast and brightness of the image and then change it into greyscale. Next step is called plate localization, the number plate is recognized and isolated in this step. After isolated the plate, the size and the shape of the plate area are adjusted in a step called resizing. And then, the individual characters in the number plate are separated and identified through character segmentation and optical character recognition.  The identified number is then used to compare with the records in a database to show the related information like the vehicle’s owner, place of registration, address and so on.

Features of Number Plate Recognition


Developer Information

Name: Dongfan Kuang (C00131031)


B.Sc. Hons. in Software Engineering

Institute of Technology, Carlow