Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis is identification and extraction of subjective information from source materials using natural language processing, text analysing and computational linguistics. Sentiment analysis is extensively applied to reviews and social media for a variety of applications, ranging from marketing to customer service. Sentiment analysis includes a progression of different techniques to decide the state of mind of a speaker or a writer as for some topic or general relevant extremity of a document. This is extremely valuable for organizations as sentiment analysis gives and overall assessment of their item taking into account individuals’ sentiments. A primary use for sentiment analysis is to classify the polarity of given text at the document, sentence or feature/aspect level and determine whether the expressed opinion is positive, negative or neutral.


In short, this project will provide the means for companies to evaluate their products based on user opinions on Twitter.

User Searh

User will be provided with the means to search for specific tweets.

Tweet Streaming

Tweets will be streamed from twitter using Tweepy API. Right at the same time tweets will be uploaded to the database.

Sentiment Analysis

Tweets will be pulled from the database. Then they will be run through sentiment analysis, which will determine if they are positive, negative or neutral.

Display the Results

The application will open a new window for the user where the results will be displayed.

Application Layout

On the first page, the user will be presented with a simple text box and a button for search execution. All items will be located in the middle of the page.

On the second page, the results will be displayed. The user will see an over all result stating if the queried search item has positive negative or neutral result.

Below the over all result, user will be provided with the tweets that have been evaluated and individual scores of each tweet.


All documantation and code produced so far can be found below.






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