Welcome to Home SecuriPi

We are a one-stop shop to Home Security Automation.

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Home SecuriPi in a Nutshell!

Protecting your home with Home SecuriPi allows a first line of defence against intruders or unwanted guests while away from your home. Take the responsibility of your home protection into your own hands, and decide what actions to take upon intrusion, immediately, from anywhere around the globe.


Research Document

All the research carried out is provided in this document.

Functional Specification

The Functionl Specification outlines what the Home SecuriPi product aims to achieve.

Design Document

The Design Document provides a detailed description of how Home SecuriPi provides its functionalities.

Final Report

The Final Report outlines the overall project, encompassing obstacles that were overcome, and how we overcame them.

User Manual

The User Manual provides installation instructions and a brief description on how to use Home SecuriPi.


This is Iteration 1 presenation, with Iteration 2 presentation provided here.

Defend Your Home Remotely

Home SecuriPi provides a means to deter intruders in a variety of ways, such as, politely asking the person to leave, or to be a bit more persuasive, you can "Release the Hounds!!"


The Legendary Paul Barry as Team Lead, with the mortal Karl Redmond as Developer

Karl Redmond

Developer "His mother was a Hamster, and his Father smelt of elderberries!"

Paul Barry

Legendary Supervisor "He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!"


Want to know more?

Co. Wexford


+35383 4409854