Number plate recognition involves capturing photographic video or images of vehicle number plates, whereby they are processed by a series of algorithms that are able to provide an alpha numeric conversion of the captured number plate images into a text entry.
This project aims to implement a system to allow the staff at the Institute of Technology, Carlow to quickly, and easily manage the visitor’s car park. To achieve this, an image will be taken of each vehicle number plate, which will then be processed to extract a textual representation. This can then be queried in a database to check if they should be parked in the main campus parking area. If a student or staff member is found to be there, an email will be generated and sent to them asking them to move. A website will allow admin staff to manage visitors, and to generate reports which may include things such as the number of illegally parked cars per day/week/month and repeat offenders.
This application was created to run on an Android device.
This application uses the open-source computer vision library OpenCV.
The web development aspect is scripted using Python, Flask, and Flask RESTful.
The MySQL database and web API are hosted on PythonAnywhere.
Research Document for the project.
Functional Specification for the project.
Design Document for the project.
Project Report for the project.
Code listing for the project.