Mobile Barcode Recognition for Android

Project Introduction

This project was named Student ID Card Barcode Recognition for Android Mobile Phone, but we dicided to change its name to Mobile Barcode Recognition for Android(MBR) for simple.

MBR is Android phone based barcode recognition. It is mainly designed for college staff use. By using this mobile phone based barcode recognition, staff can easily and quickly get the details of who holds the student ID card without any expensive specific device like laser scanner we used in library system. And as stepping into the Portable Age, we really need a more convenient and more portable method for barcode recognition ¨C as barcodes are used everywhere today.



Project Info

Devoloper: Long Long(id-C00131028)


Supervisor: Dr. Christophe Meudec

B.Sc. Hons. in Software Engineering

Institute of Technology, Carlow