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Python Unit Test Generator

Python 3.5 Unit Test Generator:

PyGen is a Final Year Project in a Software Development Degree Course which examines the viability of Automatically Generating Unit Tests from Python Source Code.

A special thanks to Chris Meudec for his guidance and assistance with carrying out this project.

PyGen Vision Document

PyGen is a tool for Python programmers to Automatically Generate a set of Unit Tests from Python source code.

PyGen Functional Specification

This document describes the features and requirements for the project

PyGen Research Document

PyGen uses Constraint Logic combined with Symbolic Execution to evaluate data sets to satisfy path constraints through a program. Have a look at the current state of Symbolic Execution and how it is being employed.

PyGen Design Document

This document details the Design of code and algorithms to carry out the analysis of source code.

PyGen Project Report

This Document details the expectations and revelations of working within the compiling process for Python.