About This project

Biometric recognition, or simply biometrics, refers to the use of distinctive anatomical and behavioral characteristics or identifiers (e.g., fingerprints, face, iris, voice, hand geometry) for automatically recognizing a person.

With increasingly urgent need for reliable security, biometrics is being spotlighted as the authentication method for the next generation. Among numerous biometric technologies, fingerprint recognition is the most mature biometric personal identification technique in these days.

This project – FingerprintSpy, is an easy to use fingerprint recognition application based on biometric identification technology, which can help user to match a fingerprint image with another for verification, identification and output the matching result. The application will be a Windows based software with a friendly GUI (Graphic User Interface).

In general, this project as well, the fingerprint recognition consists of six main steps:

  • Pre-processing

  • (i) Image Enhancement
    (ii) Ridge extraction
    (iii) Binarization
    (iv) Thinning

  • Post-processing

  • (v) Minutiae extraction
    (vi) Matching and recognition

    You can download my research and design documents from "DOCUMENTS" for details of project development. The source code and demo of this project is also available, under "DOWNLOAD" section of this web.