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VikingChess.Model Namespace
The VikingChess.Model namespace contains all classes and objects necessary to play a game of Viking Chess.
Public classBoard
The Board class represents the play board for the game.
Public classEnums
A helper class containing enumerators.
Public classEnumsColor
Represents the color of a Piece or a Player
Public classEnumsFile
Represents the File of a Piece on the Board
Public classEnumsPieceType
Represents the type of a Piece
Public classEnumsPlayerType
Represents the type of a Player
Public classEnumsRank
Represents the Rank of a Piece on the Board
Public classEnumsSquareType
Represents the type of a Square
Public classGame
The Game class contains the methods needed to process moves.
Protected classMCTS
The MCTS Class contains the implementation for the Monte Carlo Tree Search algorithm. This implementation uses the UCT formula for the selection step after all initial nodes for the CPU player have been generated. This formula is defined in the Node class which holds data about the current Board state.
Protected classNamespaceDoc
Protected classNode
The Node class defines a node within an MCTS tree.
Public classPiece
The Piece class represents a gamepiece on the Board
Public classPlayer
The Player class represents a player in the Game
Public classSquare
The Square class represents a Square on the Board