Life Buoy Monitor

About Me

My name is Garry Byrne and this website is about final year software project for college. Here you will find the purpose of this project and all of the documentation belonging to it.

If you would like to contact me, my GitHub and LinkedIn are at the bottom of this page.

About This Project

This application was created to allow the remote the monitoring of the users Lifebuoys. The user will be able to run monitor their lifebuoys through the use of the mobile app. A device(Arduino mkrfox1200) is placed inside the the Lifebuoy, this device uses the Sigfox network to communicate any events to the user.

When the application is run, the user is presented with a map with all their devices marked on it. The user can then chose the devices tab which allows them to see all their registered devices, they can then click into the device to see more detailed information(location,Alarm). The user can update the the location and alarm status of the device.

If a alarm event was to happen the user will recieve a push notification to their device along with a email to their email address. After a alarm the user can log into the app and on the map the marker representing the device will have changed from green to red.

When the device first starts a message is sent to the database, if the deevice is not already in the database it is inserted straight away. If a alarm happens the the alarm message updates the corresponding entry in the database. These processes are carried on by cloud functions, which are hosted in firebase.


Research Document

Details the research conducted throughout this project.

Functional Specification

Outlines the core functionality and non-functional requirements.

Design Document

An overview of the application architecture and the system design.

Final Project Report

Details the final application as well as detailed review on the project.

Technical Manual

Details on how to set up this application for a new user, and the code for the entire application.

Let's Get In Touch!

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