Music Application

This is a music application that allows a user to record a piece of music on a guitar and then transcribe that piece of music to tablature form. The user can then read the tablature for each of their recordings. The aim to this application is to make life easier for a musician to record and transcribe their own music.

About Me

My name is Aaron Ennis and this website is about my final year project. Here you will find what this project is about and all of the documentation belonging to it.

At the bottom of this page you can find my LinkIn and GitHub.

About This Project

This application was created to make life easier for musicians that write and record their own music. The user will be able to run the application on their computer or laptop. All a user needs is a working microphone for the laptop or computer, and a guitar to use for the recording.

When the application is run, the user will have the option to record a piece of music. The user has the option to either record a 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, or 30 second clip. The audio saved by the user is saved locally and can be accessed at any time as it is stored in a “Recordings” folder in the applications folder. The audio file is saved in .WAV form so it can be played outside of the application. When the user records and saves a clip of music, the application will then transcribe the piece of music to tablature form. This is how the application makes life easier for musicians as it visualises their music.

The design of the User Interface (UI) should be as simple as possible. This is because the application was designed to make life easier for a user. The less button clicks a user will have to do to achieve the task they want to do the better. The UI should be clearly readable and easy to navigate even for first time users.

The idea for this project was created to stop a common problem musicians have when saving recordings of their music. The problem is when a recording is saved on a machine and forgotten about, it can be hard to remember how to play that piece of music. The projects aim is for guitarists to easily write, record, read, and playback music they have written.


Research Document

Details the research conducted throughout this project.

Functional Specification

Outlines the core functionality and non-functional requirements.

Design Document

An overview of the application architecture and the system design.

Final Project Report

Details the final application as well as detailed review on the project.

Technical Manual

Details on how to set up this application for a new user, and the code for the entire application.

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