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Game Fields
Private fieldblackPieces
The number of black pieces
Private fieldboard
The Board to use for this Game
Private fieldcapturedPiece
The piece (if any) that has been captured.
Private fieldcurrentPlayer
The current player
Private fieldgameOver
A Boolean representing if the Game is over or not.
Private fieldgameType
A String defining the type of Game.
Private fieldkingCaptured
A Boolean representing if the king has been captured or not.
Private fieldkingEscaped
A Boolean representing if the king has escaped or not.
Private fieldmoveNotation
A String to store the move notation
Private fieldpieceCaptured
A Boolean representing if a piece has been captured or not.
Private fieldplayer1
The Attacking Player
Private fieldplayer2
The Defending Player
Private fieldscore
The score for this Game
Private fieldsimulated
A Boolean representing if the Game is being simulated or not.
Private fieldstateHistory
Contains all previous Board objects so that a move can be undone.
Private fieldturnCount
The current turn count;
Private fieldwhitePieces
The number of white pieces
See Also